Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How To Figure Out Your Skin Type?

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When deciding what skin care products to purchase and use, knowledge is key. A lot of us buy items for our face that wasn't designed for our skin type. You can battle any problems you may be facing like acne or wrinkles. Being aware of your skin type plays one of the first important steps in finding out what category your complexion falls under. 

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Step 1: Wash your face with a gentle cleanser which will remove all traces of oil, dirt and makeup.
Step 2: Lightly pat and dry your face and leave your face without moisturizer for an hour. Avoid touching your face because your fingers have bacteria on it.
Step 3: Grab a large tissue and put it on all areas of your skin.
Step 4: After 1-2 minutes, take it off your face and examine the results.

If your tissue paper shows no signs of oil and your skin looks fine then you have normal skin. If you notice no oil on the paper but your face feels flaky and very tight, you suffer from dry skin. You have combination skin if there are areas on your face that are dry while the T-zone area has oil. And that would be the nose, chin and forehead area for those who don't know. Last but not least, if your face always seems shiny around the cheeks, nose and forehead,you have oily skin.

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For those who do not see themselves doing this process, there are also other alternatives. You can do tests online related to your skin. Your skin type is determined based on how you answer those questions. Another way is to know where exactly your face suffers the most with either flaky skin, acne, red patches. Some of us have bad habits that include touching our face a lot, eating foods that may be triggering it or using products that bothers our skin.

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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Are Salon Products Better Than Drugstore Products?

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Have you ever wondered why shampoos used at salons are more expensive than any shampoo bought from the drugstore? You are probably reading this saying if salon products are really worth the extra money. Do they perform much better than regular drugstore shampoos/conditioners? Or are they just costly because of the brand name? 
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Drugstore Products

Well we can see its appealing with many advantages such as convenience. Drugstores are located nearby us and after a long day, we don't have to look for the items. The prices are affordable and these products are offered in differents scents. Who doesn't like the smell of shea butter and vanilla? It may seem similar to salon products but the ingredient would probably not be highly concentrated or high in quality. You may think you are saving money but you may have to use more of the product to get the hair result you'd like. In addition, silicone is also included in drugstore products that increases hair shininess. In the long run, it will cause your to become dull over time.

Salon Products 

On the other hand, salon products tend to be more on the pricier side because of it including high- grade ingredients that are highly concentrated. These products have been checked and approved by professionals. You would've spotted professional products at one of your visits at the salon. It consists of vitamin, minerals and oils that are nourishing but usually aren't seen on the shelves at the stores. These bottles last longer and you do not require much shampoo or conditioner to achieve the look you desire. Many of us dye our hair either at home or at the salon which is another reason why you should choose professional products. The drugstore shampoos and conditioners dry out hair and will strip the dye leading to washed out colour, dullness and more trips to the salon. Why not save the trips to the salon and purchase these products?

Professional Brands Results Guaranteed

The best person to get recommendations for shampoo, conditioner and styling products that work for your hair is your hairstylist. They are knowledgeable about your hair texture and are aware of what your desired result is. Drugstore products require you to take guesses of what to buy and you are likely to spend a lot of money on items that don't work for you.

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Sunday, December 1, 2019

My First Ever Post!

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Hi lovelies 😊 I don't know how to write a first post so bear with me. I have decided to create this blog to write about topics related to skincare, beauty and more. We have all been at a point where we have had skin issues whether it was acne or dark spots. I thought this would be beneficial for those who are currently experiencing it and would like tips on how to get rid of it. I will also be posting products that I found great for the hair. And hopefully you receive great results for everyone who decides to take a look and give these products a try :)